
Interning at Forest: First Day VS Last Day

By September 3, 2021September 6th, 2021No Comments

This article was written by Aqilah Hashim, Digital Media Intern.

Every human being aspires to become a better version of oneself every day. It is a lifelong process of experiencing & learning new, unique things or ideas to improve one’s own performance in all aspects of their life. It could be as simple as changing your sleeping schedule to sharing your life with another being. The sole purpose of this development? No other but to allow oneself to move one step ahead from where they are right now in life.

That being said, every day at Forest, we are challenged to test these stimuluses. Be it something technical that could help us with our tasks, or with our interpersonal growth. As an intern, making mistakes becomes inevitable especially during these trying times where communication is a great challenge to all. However, this is where we learn from them and make sure to not repeat it in the future. There is no doubt that we have a lot to learn from our supervisors and teammates, but being at Forest, it just makes everything easier.

Let’s hear from our interns on how their experiences helped them to flourish better since their first day as a Forest Interactive intern.

Looking back, we might not be the same person that we were a month ago. Perhaps, we are even a different person now compared to yesterday. Self-development is a change that needs to happen within yourself. You might be facing a challenge, but it needs to be hand in hand with your presence in the moment to process the transition.

Last but not least, enjoy this IG Reels made specially for National Intern Day on July 2021 by our interns!